Thursday, October 3, 2013

31 Days of Devotion

I've decided that, in celebration of my approaching birthday, I am going to dedicate time to writing to God each day.  I have neglected my blog a bit in the last few weeks because of so much going on, but writing really is a safe haven for me.  It is a way for me become closer to God as well, because most of the time I start out writing something and my fingers go faster than my mind and before I know it, I've learned something new.  I believe it's His way of teaching me.  I read my devotional every day and in the beginning of my journey, it was as though every day was written specifically for me.  I could not believe how perfect they were for me.  I want people to feel the same encouragement I felt and feel that Christ is speaking to them through my writing, because He is.  This is something He has laid on my heart and I know it is for a reason. 

Day 1

Prayer is such a powerful thing.  It can be personal and private or it can be shared and celebrated.  It can be done in so many ways.  So many think that by praying, they must know "how" to talk to Christ.  He wants you to know that He is your friend, your confidant, your family member.  He will listen to you no matter your words.  There is no perfect way to pray.  You don't have to pray out loud, you don't have to kneel or bow your head or clasp your hands together.  The only thing you must do is BELIEVE and speak.  Speak your thoughts in your mind.  He will hear them.  Pray for your family, your friends, but most of all pray for yourself.  Pray for His love and grace to fill your heart each and every day.  While it might be tempting to pray for things like money or success or a promotion, etc, learn to pray for His infinite wisdom in guiding your life.  Trust His plan for you and realize that it is far greater than what is happening right here and now.  Pray when you are happy and pray when you are sad, but most of all pray when you are scared.  He is our protector.  Our life belongs to Him.  He will comfort you in your time of need.  Always remember that.  I am not an expert on Christ or the Bible and I do not pretend to be.  What I do know is that the love I feel for Him is far greater than any love I have ever felt before.  The trust I have in Him is so strong that I would allow anything to happen in my life because I know He has a plan for me.  Maybe you pray every day, maybe you pray once in a while or maybe you've never prayed before in your life.  Promise me this, some time today when your mind wanders back to this post, close your eyes and pray.  Even if it's for only 15 seconds.  If all you have time for is one sentence, pray to Christ to fill your heart with His love and grace each and every day.  Do this with me every day.  I promise, it will change you.

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